maandag 28 maart 2011

VKB Vision

VKB Vision

Visual Knowledge Building is a very old way of communicating effectively with visualization. Old civilizations used visualization such as symbols to express (the things they want to express).
A visualization says a lot more than spoken words. Visualizations are the most efficient and best way to tell something in a short amount of time. In a culture, the visual knowledge is passed on and used by all the other members within the civilization. But the biggest disadvantage is not understanding each other because each individual has a different interpretation of understanding symbols and meanings of (visual) expressions, due to personality and cultural difference. That’s why the written word has always been used trough out the years as the main form of communication and leaving (important) information behind.

The written word is a very complex way to communicate and with the help of visualizations other people from other cultures can understand more easily than without visualizations. Visualizations are very helpful to make the daily life more understandable and comprehensive. Like for example with road signs, by looking at a image (by someone who doesn’t understand  the language spoken in the country where he or she’s at) someone can understand easily what the meaning of the sign is and take action for it. If the sign only contained written words this person wouldn’t understand the meaning of it and accidents could happen more easily.

With the new digital era, new ways of communication came into the picture. The new way of communication has started. Digital natives are being thought from the beginning in the visual surroundings around us while the older people, the digital immigrants, have problems to fully comprehend the new way of communicating and adapt to it.

With the written word people automatically think of visuals that come with it in to mind. Visuals and text can be misunderstood by the receiver.
A serie of photographs can be the best way to communicate different types of symbols, feelings and meanings to be understood correctly by the receiver (as meant by the sender).
Where the written word stimulates the imagination of the receiver of the message the visualizations force the sender to create a own view.

The learning theory of the digital era developed by George Siemens is based on three theories:
behavorism, cognitivism and contructivism.
These theories were developed in a era where learning was not being combined with modern (E-learning) technology. Over the last 2 decades technology has showed how people communicate (and live). Effective learning styles should incorporate self reflection and learning of own mistakes by getting well structured feedback by peers.
According to George Siemens learning is not about knowing things an learning random facts but more about discovering and making the right choices/connections with your mind between the overload of data we receive every day, by doing so we create new information and a new understanding (and creating a own unique vision).

VKB is a growing form of our modern age learning. We have found and incorporated new techniques (like internet) to learn about chosen subjects. Wikipedia and Google have given us the opportunity to learn and find knowledge and other things faster and more comprehensible.
Also blended learning and E-learning saves us a lot of time and effort then people in the old fashioned way would have take to get the same amount of information. We now can use the extra time we have to use new things and new theories or just simply save time. Modern technologies give us more opportunity to communicate with each other (trough mobile communication and internet) faster than ever.

I think the minor Visual Knowledge Building was a very interesting minor and learned me to approach visualizations differently than before. The power of good clear visuals is very strong can let people from other cultures and languages communicate (more) easily then with just the written word.

VKB Course (Lynda Deutz assigments) Self Portraits Facebook

         I have chosen these pictures because they are profile pictures from my friends on Facebook.

friends that use these pictures have a litlle bit different view on art and on making pictures than the average person (if a average person excist, but that’s a different type of discussion).
Their view is coming forward on all kinds of different ways.
One hides behind a giant burger, the other one just made a droid (type of robot) reflecting on himself, one used a busstop advertisement with a picture of himself on the advertisement.
The picture
with the girl with the pink dress near the pool is also very nice when it comes to use of colours and composition. The combination has a fascinating effect.
Each photo is unique and nice in my opinion.

think the best profile picture is the one with the busstop because it’s really original and also the use of colours is very nice.

VKB Course (Lynda Deutz assigments) Photo Essay

      The subject in my photo essay was buildings in Rotterdam.
I think there a lot of very nice buildings in this city.
There a lot of new ones, like shown in the first few pictures, taken in Rotterdam Alexander near the shoppingcentre.
These buildings are very modern like the whole surrounding there.

In the centre there are a lot more old(er) buildings, like shown on the photo’s.
These photo’s are taken near and on the Witte de Withstraat. Some buildings in the centre (on on the Witte de Withstraat) are from the 1920’s and even earlier, so in my opinion these buildings are very historical and have ‘seen’ a lot of things in the years that went by.

Finally I took some picture of buildings involving football.
The first picture is taken in front of the pitch of a soccermatch at Varkenoord. The 2nd one is the Feyenoord Stadium from the side and the last one is next to the Maasgebouw near the Stadium.
These buildings are huge and have a lot of football history.

VKB Course (Lynda Deutz assigments) 15 photo's My Music collection

I made this photo serie about my personal music collection.
Music has a important
role in my life that’s why I choose this subject.
I have all kinds of
music on different types, like cd’s, lp’s, and digitally on my computer. I listen to a lot of music, a day without music is a not completed day for me.
used to be a DJ that’s why I photographed the LP player and the LP’s.
Mostly I listen to music with my computer (the pc speaker photo), or with my mp3 player with my earphones.
One of the types of music I love to listen is hip-hop.
love listening to all types of artist including the late great mc Guru (from Gangstarr, that’s why I made a photo from one of his most known albums).

VKB Course (Lynda Deutz assigments) Mind Map & Instruction Video

I made a mindmap about Facebook self. I think Facebook is a very fascinating and interesting social media website. I like it a lot more compared with other social media websites like Hyves, MySpace and LinkedIn.
The adventages are that you can share all kinds of things/information like photo’s, video’s, sharing and letting others know about activities and events (like party’s, birthdays, barbecues, big shopping sells and other events.
Also you can post a fact or something that has occurred and all of your friends can check that out on the main page (without having to look at someone’s profile) and react to it or ‘like it’.
This is in my opinion very nice because you can see in one page and one view all the latest information and other updates of and from your friends.

A lot of people use faceboook nowadays so you can see and read about your friends and other people about their interests and activities.
Facebook is also an excellent medium for advertisements.
Companies can provide ads to people on Facebook finetuned to their interests.
So if someone like clothing, he will see advertisements from clothing companies.
If you use the ad by clicking on it, it will be remembered and more ads from this category will be shown to you.
For the new learning project using social media I would make a Inholland/VKB topic inviting all the VKB students and making it available for them to see information from other (ex)students.
So every student can post a comment about the course, the project, the training etc. etc.

When a exercise is not being clear enough people can post it in the shoutbox and other can view it and react to it. I think it would be the best to post pictures or other kinds of additional information about it. So everyone can easily see what people are talking about.
Making this available as a application on your phone would make it extra attractive, so that students can view the information even during class. This project would make the course easier and more fun to do, because people can see what others made of it.
They can also read about problems and other comments about the exercises and assigments. Also others can view the end products from the projects, including ideas, concepts, topics and other types of additional information about it. I think this would work better than Blackboard because students view facebook more often than the Blackboard application.

I think in overall, things like blackboard would be better off if it would be incorporated with Facebook. If there´s an update people can read directly about it because people use Facebook so often nowadays.
Much more than the traditional types like Blackboard and webmail and Insite (these applications are slow, and not very appealing to most of the students, also most of the information shown on the sites/applications is hard to find and not clear at all).
So I think using this types of solutions would make it easier to take part in the minors (like for example Visual Knowledge Building).

Instruction Video (betting streets in No Limit Texas Hold'em Poker)


Constructivism is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas.
During infancy, it is an interaction between their experiences and their reflexes or behavior-patterns. Piaget called these systems of knowledge schemata.
Constructivism is not a specific pedagogy, although it is often confused with constructionism, an educational theory developed by Seymour Papert, inspired by constructivist and experiential learning ideas of Jean Piaget. Piaget's theory of constructivist learning has had wide ranging impact on learning theories and teaching methods in education and is an underlying theme of many education reform movements.
Research support for constructivist teaching techniques has been mixed, with some research supporting these techniques and other research contradicting those results.


Hierarchies  Networks
Static.   Dynamic
Structured .   Flowing structure (in advance)
Stable.   Equality (in theory)
Managed.   Connected entities
Boundaries.   Participant & process defined structure
Centralized.   Decentralized
Certainty.   Adaptive
Managed and created.   Nurtured and fostered
Pre-filtered.   Emergent